Activities and Events

After-School Activities and School Events

Mirasierra School offers a wide range of artistic and sporting activities and events that strengthen the comprehensive education of our students.
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Sport Activities

Boys' and Girls' Soccer, Basketball, Tae Kwon Do, and Mini Tennis.


We offer Guitar, Visual Arts, and Dance classes.

Other Activities

Robotics, Early Musical Stimulation (Mother and Child), and Chess.

Entrepreneurship Activities:
Ecology, Socio-Emotional Learning, Catechism (Optional), and Values Campaign.


Early Education (Preschool)

To achieve a comprehensive education for our students and equip them with the skills needed to overcome any challenge.
✓ Public Classes
✓ Christmas Festival
✓ Grandparents' Day
✓ Spring Parade
✓ Assemblies
✓ Honor Guard
✓ Father's and Mother's Festival
✓ Academic Ceremony

Academic Events

To provide a well-rounded education for our students and equip them with the skills and knowledge to overcome any challenge.
✓ Assemblies
✓ Conferences
✓ High School Visits
✓ Public Speaking
✓ Spelling
✓ Speech Contest
✓ Science Fair
✓ Spelling Bee
✓ Math Rally
✓ Academic Ceremony

Cultural Events

To provide a holistic education for our students and equip them with the necessary skills to overcome any challenge.
✓ Talent Show
✓ Mexican Fiesta
✓ Art Exhibitions
✓ Peace Day
✓ Thanksgiving
✓ Performing Arts: Pastorela and Day of the Dead

Sports and Civic Events

To provide a comprehensive education for our students, equipping them with the necessary skills to overcome any challenge.
✓ Sports Day
✓ Participation in local, national, and international tournaments and cups
✓ Honor Guard
✓ National Anthem
✓ Pink Score Cup
✓ RGV International Cup Soccer

Un sillón

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An armchair

Mi papa compro un sillon y una mesa de cetro para la sala.

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